
קזינו שנגרי לה מינסק זכה בפרס "בחירת השנה 2020"

קזינו שנגרי לה מינסק זכה בפרס "בחירת השנה 2020"

In November, the 19th awarding ceremony of the international festival-contest "Choice of the Year" was held in Belarus

According to the "Choice of the Year", the "Shangri La" Minsk casino was recognized as the best in 2020. For the past nineteen years, the organizers of the competition have identified national leaders among the goods and services in various categories on the Belarusian market.

The project was initiated by Festivals International (USA) and the European Social Insurance Fund under the European Chamber of Commerce (Brussels, Belgium). The main objective of the project is a comprehensive assessment of the quality and popularity of a specific product or service among consumers and experts in order to establish the leaders of the year in each nomination.

Shangri La casino has become the best in Belarus for the seven consecutive year!

חזרה לרשימה

ул. Кирова дом 8, корпус 3 Минск Республика Беларусь 220030
ул. Кирова дом 8, корпус 3
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